Contact Us

The best way to find out about the club is to visit us and meet some members.

The club is open on Sundays during terms 4 and 1 from 8.30am until about 4pm.

Our club is run by volunteers, so if your query cannot answered by the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and you’ve had a good look through the website, then send us a message and we will get back to you, hopefully within a couple of days.


Volunteers Term 1 Roster

Adele Phillips

The Volunteers Roster for this term will be distributed shortly.

We are a volunteer run club and your help ensures every Sunday runs smoothly. If you are unable to make your rostered week, please organise a swap with another family. Here is an overview of the job roles:


Officer of the day (OOC)

  • 8-8:30am: Ensure members use QR code on arrival and all enrolled sailors sign on

  • 10-10:30am: On the beach as sailors return to shore sign off their name to ensure all participants are accounted for

  • At 10:30am another volunteer takes the role of sign on/ sign off for the race fleet, concluding at 1pm

  • Monitor radio for any boats or sailors returning to shore early


  • 8:30am start to assist canteen crew

  • Feel free to bring a plate of fruit for breakfast or something sweet for morning tea

  • Assist with making toasties and the weekly lunch special


  • 8:30am start

  • Cook and serve bacon & egg rolls

Deck & Beach

  • 8-8:30am: Assist coaches with putting club boats and ribs in the water, taking cradles to the beach and rigging boats

  • After the Sailing School briefing, assist the sailors with launching boats

  • 10-10:30am: Assist sailors as they return to shore and help derig boats not needed for the next session

  • Confirm which boats will be used for the afternoon session to remain on the beach


  • From 10am: Prepare start boat, marks and anchors to set the course for racing

  • Provide on-water support and safety

  • Be apart of the race committee on the start boat