24/25 Saturday and Sunday Learn to Sail courses are now open for bookings!

Contact Us

The best way to find out about the club is to visit us and meet some members.

The club is open on Sundays during terms 4 and 1 from 8.30am until about 4pm.

Our club is run by volunteers, so if your query cannot answered by the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and you’ve had a good look through the website, then send us a message and we will get back to you, hopefully within a couple of days.

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Racing at VA12SC

VA12SC has a proud history of developing future champions of the sport. In its almost 100 year history, the club has produced numerous State Champions, National Champions, World champions and America’s Cup sailors.

Club racing happens every Sunday between October and April. There is a break over the Christmas period.

We currently race Sabots, Flying 11s and Cherubs. Sabot races are for both 1 up and 2 up sailors.

The club also supports our sailors to attend State and National Championships, and provides training opportunities for those competing.

The sailing season is comprised of Club Championship races, a Sprint Series made up of shorter course racing and away regattas.

Our Club Calendar outlines what each week’s racing is and can be found here.