Contact Us

The best way to find out about the club is to visit us and meet some members.

The club is open on Sundays during terms 4 and 1 from 8.30am until about 4pm.

Our club is run by volunteers, so if your query cannot answered by the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and you’ve had a good look through the website, then send us a message and we will get back to you, hopefully within a couple of days.


Sailing School 21/11/21

Newsletter Editor

It was a grey, wet and windy Sunday for our Sailing School sailors this past weekend. Great effort to all who braved the conditions and got out there. The kids were rewarded with some exciting rides in the Pacers and PJs!

A quick reminder that our holiday camps are filling up fast, so if you’re around these holidays, book the kids in for some summer holiday sailing fun! Our holiday camps are drop and go, and last all day. Kids can be booked in for a couple of days or the whole week!

Term 1 2022 Sunday morning sailing school is also open for enrolments now. It’d be great to see our term 4 sailors back in the new year to advance their skills and think about joining the race fleet. So don’t forget to book!

See you Sunday!