Sabot Twilights - anyone interested?
Newsletter Editor
From Ashleigh Minnett:
I just wanted reach out to other families as I am very interested in getting together a group of interested parents and kids who would like to participate in a weekly one up Sabot twilight sailing on an
afternoon after school on a weekly basis .
It would be fantastic to be able to provide the kids more time on the water sailing on top of their regular Sundays. A lot of other clubs do this and it really benefits the kids and and it works really well, especially now the days are long and we can make the most of the summer conditions and our idyllic location. It really doesn’t get much better than our harbour views blue waters and north facing club house!
We will need enough interested families to make it work .
Please contact me if interested and we can discuss a mutually agreeable afternoon that works for as many of us as possible.
I can be contacted on
Email or
ph : 0419266145