Boat Storage
Newsletter Editor
For those storing their boats at the club, a reminder that it is a condition of storage that you are a financial member in the current season, and all your storage fees are paid up to date.
If you wish to keep storing your boat at the club, please ensure you renew your membership and pay your storage fees prior to the season opening on the 8th of October.
You can renew your membership here. You will be able to take out the appropriate storage for your boat during the renewal process.
If you no longer wish to store your boat at the club, please have it removed prior to the start of the season on the 8th of October to make room for active boats.
As all are aware, storage is limited at our small club, so we need to prioritises those boats that are actively sailing. As such, any boats stored after this time that have not paid for storage will be removed from the club, or, at the committee’s discretion, become club property for the use of members.
We appreciate your assistance and understanding with this matter.