Contact Us

The best way to find out about the club is to visit us and meet some members.

The club is open on Sundays during terms 4 and 1 from 8.30am until about 4pm.

Our club is run by volunteers, so if your query cannot answered by the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and you’ve had a good look through the website, then send us a message and we will get back to you, hopefully within a couple of days.


Annual Fees Due.

Robert Ugarte

It is the time of year again when the club approaches the members for the annual subscriptions.  

In this most unusual year, the Committee acknowledges the negative impact Covid-19 has had on access to the clubhouse, sailing school and all associated activities. 

Notwithstanding the above, the club still has a variety of financial obligations it must meet and requires membership subscriptions to satisfy these.

The committee will be sending out a reminder to pay your annual fees in the next few days so please get on board and join up for another great summer at VA12SC.