Contact Us

The best way to find out about the club is to visit us and meet some members.

The club is open on Sundays during terms 4 and 1 from 8.30am until about 4pm.

Our club is run by volunteers, so if your query cannot answered by the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and you’ve had a good look through the website, then send us a message and we will get back to you, hopefully within a couple of days.


2021-2022 Sabot Nationals Update from SNSWSSA

Robert Ugarte

Dear all,

On behalf of the SNSW Sabot Sailing Association we hope you and your family are staying safe and well.  

With the most recent outbreak of Covid19 in NSW we have been discussing with the NNSW Sabot association the upcoming round of States and the National regatta - both of which are due to be held at Teralba Amateur Sailing Club on Lake Macquarie.  

The update from Australian Sailing this week, following an "all sports" meeting with the NSW Office of Sport and the Minister for Sport, unfortunately did not have any news for us on when we can resume organised sport, or what the rules will look like post lockdown.  The most helpful thing they were told is "encourage your members to get vaccinated (if they are eligible), as the strong message coming from the NSW Government is that fully vaccinated people will have greater freedoms in the near future".

Whilst it is still not clear what the sailing season might look like we are working towards being able to conduct as much racing as possible in accordance with any Government Health Orders and advice at that time.  We are working on contingency plans.  We also know sailors will be keen to sail at their local clubs once the sailing season opens.  

We need "Expressions of Interest" for Nationals/Sabot week please - see more information below and follow the link to a survey

Regatta Dates:

2021/22 SNSW Zone Championship

19-20 March 2022 - host club to be confirmed

2021/22 NSW State Championship

Round 1: 30-31 October 2021 - Teralba Amateur Sailing Club (POSTPONED)

Round 2: 12-13 February 2022 - Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Skiff Club

Round 1 has been postponed with rescheduled dates to be confirmed.

2021/22 National Championship and Sabot Week: 27th December 2021 - 3rd January 2022

Teralba Amateur Sailing Club - Lake Macquarie

Program: 27th - 28th Dec Registration; 28th Dec Invitation race; 29th Dec - 3rd Jan Nationals/Sabot week Regatta (with 1 January a lay day)

At this time the National/Sabot Week Regatta is going ahead at Teralba for the scheduled dates above.  In the event this is not possible as a National level regatta, due to Covid19 border closures (or stay at home orders), a contingency plan being considered is to continue to hold a sailing regatta at Teralba for NSW sailors only, of which 2 days would become Round 1 of the States.  We would hope this planning could give Teralba Sailing Club some certainty in their planning and also families some confidence, when booking accommodation and making holiday plans, of a regatta going ahead. 

The contingency plans for a rescheduled Nationals/Sabot Week (still being explored with Teralba Sailing Club)  could then be either late January 2022 or the April 2022 school holidays.  

Expressions of Interest - Please Action

To assist with general and contingency planning the organising authority is requesting an expression of interest for Nationals/Sabot Week from families.  Please follow the link and complete the survey for each of your sailors.

We hope the above responses may guide plans for the organising authority and ultimately give some certainty for SNSW families wanting to make accommodation bookings.

The priority remains the health and safety of sailors, their families and the organising club volunteers.  We appreciate your assistance in completing this EOI to help form any future decisions please.

See you all on the water (hopefully soon!).

Any questions please contact your club rep or myself.

Kind regards

Vanessa De Bono

President SNSW Sabot Association


m: +61 428 072 505