Contact Us

The best way to find out about the club is to visit us and meet some members.

The club is open on Sundays during terms 4 and 1 from 8.30am until about 4pm.

Our club is run by volunteers, so if your query cannot answered by the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and you’ve had a good look through the website, then send us a message and we will get back to you, hopefully within a couple of days.


Racing this Sunday

Adele Phillips

Racing resumes this Sunday 16th of October. Please note all race competitors must be club members. If you are having trouble joining or renewing your membership, please see Adele at the club on Sunday for assistance.

Racing schedule:

10:15am - Sabot briefing in clubhouse

11am - Sabot Racing

1pm - F11s and Cherubs briefing in clubhouse

2pm - F11s and Cherub Racing

See our club calendar for the schedule of races this season.

Term 4 Sailing School starts on Sunday 9/10/22

Adele Phillips

Term 4 Sailing School starts on the 9th of October 2022.

Join or renew your membership

Courses available to book now

Term 4 2022 courses

Saturday Start Sailing 1
Course time: 12-2pm
Course dates: 15/10, 22/10, 29/10, 5/11, 12/11, 19/11, 26/11, 3/12

Sunday Start Sailing 1
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Start Sailing 2
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Better Sailing
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Start Racing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Better Racing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Adult Learn to Sail (Start Sailing 1)
Course time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Course dates: 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Adventure Sailing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Detailed course information available here

Final week of Holiday Camps start Tuesday 4th Oct

Adele Phillips

These holiday camps are a great way to try sailing for the first time or get back into sailing before the sailing school starts next week, Sunday 9th of October.

Book here

October Holiday Camp
Course time: 8:30am-4pm
Course dates: 4th-7th October 2022 (3 or 4 day options)


Adele Phillips

Dear Members,

Thank you for supporting Vaucluse Amateur 12ft Sailing Club in the 2021-22 sailing season. The 2022-23 season has commenced, and we kindly request you renew your membership at your earliest convenience.

All members from the 2021-22 season should have received an email inviting you to renew your membership through the Australian Sailing revolutioniseSPORT membership portal.

If you have any questions regarding your membership please contact us.

Thank you

The Committee.


Term 4 Sailing starts next Sunday 9th October

Adele Phillips

Term 4 Sailing School will commence on the 8-9th of October this season.

Join or renew your membership

Courses available to book now

Term 4 2022 courses

Saturday Start Sailing 1
Course time: 12-2pm
Course dates: 15/10, 22/10, 29/10, 5/11, 12/11, 19/11, 26/11, 3/12

Sunday Start Sailing 1
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Start Sailing 2
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Better Sailing
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Start Racing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Better Racing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Adult Learn to Sail (Start Sailing 1)
Course time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Course dates: 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Adventure Sailing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Detailed course information available here

Saturday afternoon Sailing

Adele Phillips

This season we have introduced a Saturday afternoon learn to sail (Start Sailing 1) program running from 12-2pm.

Course dates: 15/10, 22/10, 29/10, 5/11, 12/11, 19/11, 26/11, 3/12

View course content here.

Book here.

Holiday Camps start next week 26th of September

Adele Phillips

Holiday Camps have limited places. Book now to avoid disappointment.

September/October Holiday Camps

Week 1
Course time: 8:30am-4pm
Course dates: 26th-30th September 2022 (3, 4 or 5 day options)

Week 2
Course time: 8:30am-4pm
Course dates: 4th-7th October 2022 (3 or 4 day options)

Detailed Holiday Camp information here

Term 4 Sailing School

Adele Phillips

Term 4 Sailing School will commence on the 8-9th of October this season.

Join or renew your membership

Courses available to book now

Term 4 2022 courses

Saturday Start Sailing 1
Course time: 12-2pm
Course dates: 15/10, 22/10, 29/10, 5/11, 12/11, 19/11, 26/11, 3/12

Sunday Start Sailing 1
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Start Sailing 2
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Better Sailing
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Start Racing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Better Racing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Adult Learn to Sail (Start Sailing 1)
Course time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Course dates: 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Adventure Sailing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Detailed course information available here

Membership 2022-23 Season

Adele Phillips

Dear Members,

Thank you for supporting Vaucluse Amateur 12ft Sailing Club in the 2021-22 sailing season. The 2022-23 season has commenced, and we kindly request you renew your membership at your earliest convenience.

All members from the 2021-22 season will receive an email this week inviting you to renew your membership through the Australian Sailing revolutioniseSPORT membership portal.

If you have any questions regarding your membership please contact us.

Thank you

The Committee.

September/October Holiday Camps 2022

Adele Phillips

Holiday Camps have limited places. Book now to avoid disappointment.

September/October Holiday Camps

Week 1
Course time: 8:30am-4pm
Course dates: 26th-30th September 2022 (3, 4 or 5 day options)

Week 2
Course time: 8:30am-4pm
Course dates: 4th-7th October 2022 (3 or 4 day options)

Detailed Holiday Camp information here

Term 4 Sailing School

Adele Phillips

Term 4 Sailing School will commence on the 8-9th of October this season.

Join or renew your membership

Courses available to book now

Term 4 2022 courses

Saturday Start Sailing 1
Course time: 12-2pm
Course dates: 8/10, 15/10, 22/10, 29/10, 5/11, 12/11, 19/11, 26/11

Sunday Start Sailing 1
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Start Sailing 2
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Better Sailing
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Start Racing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Better Racing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Adult Learn to Sail (Start Sailing 1)
Course time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Course dates: 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Adventure Sailing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Detailed course information available here

Sailing season starts this Sunday 18/9/22

Adele Phillips

Welcome back,

Thank you to everyone who assisted with the working bees preparing the club for the 2022/23 Season Open Day this Sunday 8/9 at VA12SC

Spring Sprints series are running, view the season sailing and social calendar here

All competitors must be club members, join or renew your membership here

The Sailing School will commence with the Sep/October holiday camps before term 4 on the 8-9th of October this season. View and book courses.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the club shortly.

The Committee.

VA12SC 2022 AGM - 12pm Sunday 11th September

Adele Phillips

The Vaucluse Amateur 12 foot Sailing Club will be holding the Annual General Meeting this Sunday the 11th of September at 12 midday.

All members are invited to attend.

The minutes of the last AGM held on the 14th of July 2021 can be found here

The runsheet for the day can be found here.

The annual financial statements may be viewed upon request by emailing

We hope to see you there.

The Committee.

Book Holiday Camps and Term 4 Courses

Adele Phillips

This season we have transitioned our booking system to the Australian Sailing revolutioniseSPORT platform for all courses and memberships. If you are experiencing issues with the platform, please contact us.

Join or renew your membership

Courses available to book now

September/October Holiday Camps

Week 1
Course time: 8:30am-4pm
Course dates: 26th-30th September 2022 (3, 4 or 5 day options)

Week 2
Course time: 8:30am-4pm
Course dates: 4th-7th October 2022 (3 or 4 day options)

Detailed Holiday Camp information here

Term 4 2022 courses

Saturday Start Sailing 1
Course time: 12-2pm
Course dates: 8/10, 15/10, 22/10, 29/10, 5/11, 12/11, 19/11, 26/11

Sunday Start Sailing 1
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Start Sailing 2
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Better Sailing
Course time: 8-10:30am
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Start Racing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Sunday Better Racing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Adult Learn to Sail (Start Sailing 1)
Course time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Course dates: 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Adventure Sailing (Club Membership required)
Course time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Course dates: 9/10, 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11

Detailed course information available here

VA12SC 2022 AGM. Sunday 11th September. 12 Midday.

Robert Ugarte

The Vaucluse Amateur 12 foot Sailing Club will be holding the Annual General Meeting on Sunday the 11th of September at 12 midday.

All members are invited to attend.

The annual financial statements may be viewed upon request by emailing

The meeting agenda will be posted in this newsletter next week.

We hope to see you there.

The Committee.

2022 Working Bee.

Robert Ugarte

Our annual working bee got off to a flying start last Sunday with plenty of overdue tasks being attended to.

There is still lots to get through before the season starts so if you can help then please let us know and we can allocate a task. There will be various jobs underway over the next couple of weeks and we hope to see you for the final day of works on Sunday the 4th of September.

On that day we will start at 9 am and serve a BBQ lunch at 1pm for all of the hungry workers.

If you can help out between now and then or if you can come down on the 4th then please register your interest by emailing

Saturday Socials

Adele Phillips

Term 3 winter kids movie nights are scheduled from 6-9pm on 30th July, 13th August and 10th September. We will be showing movies and clips to inspire our youngsters to aim high both on and off the water.

These social evenings are free for VA12SC members, however, please RSVP here so we can cater to your children on the evening.

Pre-season Working Bees

Adele Phillips

As a volunteer club we rely on our members to help maintain the clubhouse and its property. Pre-season we run two working bees to ensure the club is clean and in working order for the start of the season in late September. This year our working bees are scheduled for the 21st of August and the 4th of September.

These days are a fantastic opportunity to meet other members within our community. We would appreciate your help, no prior experience with tools needed!

F11 open day this Sunday 31st July

Adele Phillips

With the success of our first F11 open day, we have scheduled two more F11 days before the start of the season.

When: 31/7, 11/9. Each session is 10am-12pm. Arriving dressed and ready to sail is recommended.

Who: Sailors aged 9-14 years old. Attendance on these open days is free for members, however bookings are essential.

RSVP by emailing the head coach here.