Vaucluse Amateur 12ft Sailing Club

24/25 Saturday and Sunday Learn to Sail courses are now open for bookings!

Contact Us

The best way to find out about the club is to visit us and meet some members.

The club is open on Sundays during terms 4 and 1 from 8.30am until about 4pm.

Our club is run by volunteers, so if your query cannot answered by the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and you’ve had a good look through the website, then send us a message and we will get back to you, hopefully within a couple of days.


Since 1939 our club has been teaching kids how to sail, hosting fleet racing and nurturing champions. We are very proud of our heritage and our unique club ethos; grounded, inclusive and community spirited.

Our mission is to be Australia’s best youth sailing club, delivering first class sailing experiences through a welcoming family environment.

Want to get involved? Depending on your level of experience you may want to start off by joining our sailing school, either on Saturday afternoons, or Sunday mornings during terms 4 and 1, or at one of our holiday camps. If you’ve already done some sailing then you may prefer to join our fleet racing either in single-handed Sabots, two-up in Flying Eleven’s or if you are a little bit more experienced in a Cherub. Our fleet racing takes place on Sundays from October through to April.

We look forward to welcoming you to the club.

Saturday and Sunday Learn to Sail courses are now open and taking bookings!



Club racing happens every Sunday during our sailing season, which is between October and April. There is a break over the Christmas period.

We currently race Sabots, Flying 11s and Cherubs. Sabot races are for both 1 up and 2 up sailors.


At VA12SC we offer Learn to Sail courses for both Kids and Adults. Courses are offered in Term 4, and Term 1, following the school terms. They run on the weekends, on Saturdays and Sundays, and go for 3 hours.


Book now!

Stay up to date with what’s happening at the club, check out the latest edition of “Kutti News”, the weekly newsletter of the VA12SC.


We run kids Sailing and Watersports camps for kids every school holidays. Just drop your children off at the clubhouse between 8:30 and 9am and collect them at 3:00pm.